March 9, 2024

9:00am – 1:00pm

We are so grateful for the growing women's ministry here at Reclamation Church, and especially grateful for those who have committed time and effort to seeing it grow. The next "event" for the women is coming up on Saturday, March 9th, and it will be centered around serving others. Check out the list below to see the various opportunities and consider how you might be a part of the women's ministry here at Reclamation and this occasion to love others!
1. Meal Share and Deliver
The ladies who choose this opportunity will be bringing already prepared items to portion out and deliver to those who could use a meal or two. This service project will be held at RCM from 10am-1pm on Saturday, March 9th.
2. Paint and Tidy
This service opportunity will take place at the Reclamation Community Center. If you enjoy painting with friends and tidying up a bit, join the ladies who will serve there from 9am-noon on Saturday, March 9th.
3. Sunshine Boxes
Do you enjoy writing notes, packing encouraging gifts and delivering them to individuals who could use a reminder of God's love? Then, this is the project for you. Bring fun yellow, nonperishable items and join the packing! This opportunity will take place at RCM from 10am-1pm on Saturday, March 9th.
4. I can't be there but how can I help?

For those ladies who would like to be a part of the service opportunity, but are unable to attend, we will be collecting new yellow items for the Sunshine boxes. What encourages you or brings you joy? Grab a few yellow, non-perishable items and drop them off in the metal tub in the lobby at RCM starting next Sunday. What can you bring? Small fun yellow items that fit in a shoebox. Example: lotions, chapsticks,individual snacks... get creative!